Belated First Blogiversary
This blog started a year ago on March 13, but that detail completely slipped my mind in the hectic end of the semester.
And this one has been more hectic than most. At least that leaves a full plate of pent-up topics to write about.
I really need to blog about a few things in the next few months, during the quieter time of early summer. If the past year is any indication, the mania that carries over from the pace of spring makes it easy to blog while only teaching the single class I choose to teach in summer while preparing for next year. What is on the agenda?
I really need to fix in my mind the simple detail that the blog started just before pi day, now renamed "talk like a physicist day" by some science bloggers. That should be easy ....
Happy blogiversary! I'd be curious to hear about the mentoring program.
What you really want to hear about is what happened this morning involving an irresponsible adjunct and final exams, but I don't think I can blog about it. I would need a class in creative writing to pseud this story!
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