Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ishkabibble CC's budget

This is my own contribution to the college finance 'meme' proposed yesterday.

Ishkabibble Community College, where I teach physics, is a pretty big CC. We are pushing 10,000 FTE students but manage to have enough f-t faculty so only a bit more than 50% of the sections are taught by adjuncts. Unlike colleges described in some discussions I read, quite a few of our f-t faculty teach mostly at night. Budget numbers are below the fold.

Since this is a CC, the total budget has been normalized to 10 M$ even though it is probably bigger than the budget at a lot of 4-year colleges. Capital expenditures are not included because they are budgeted separately.



Our students pay a large fraction of the cost of instruction, but nothing like they do at large universities. However, this makes our budget very vulnerable to cuts from the state legislature!



Salaries: (from numbers jotted down at a meeting)

F-T faculty3.0
Other Staff3.3

These salary numbers include all "overhead" costs, such as Health insurance, Retirement, the employer part of FICA, and some other fringe benefits. The "other staff" category includes many professionals who are not teaching faculty (such as counselors and librarians) as well as all of the worker bees in administration (financial aid, admissions), but also includes the coaches for our athletic teams. The admin category is just upper management, such as deans and directors; people making more than a starting Asst. Professor. As you might deduce, our adjuncts are paid squat, although part of the difference is that they don't get fringe benefits and also don't have any non-teaching assignments like regular faculty do.

A good measure for adjunct pay at our college is that they get about half of what I get for a class taught in the summer or as an "extra" class. Interestingly, this means that the college does not seek the lowest cost alternative for teaching sections not covered by our annual contract. Full time faculty are given the first choice for summer classes and extra classes, not the lower cost adjuncts. If the class is small, as mine was this summer, my salary is barely covered by tuition.

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